Category Archives: Education

Beginner mindset

I learned a new term last week: Shoshin. I can’t believe I’ve never heard of it before. This concept is a big part of my success, and I guess you could say it is foundational to any successful engineer, but … Continue reading

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Becoming elite 101

I’m going to let you in-on a little secret about being elite I guess I think I’m somewhat elite. The title of my blog might’ve tipped you off. People who know me, expect me to have lots of answers, and … Continue reading

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What’s not on my resume

I don’t put everything-I’ve-done on my resume anymore. A few times I’ve had people complain about it being too-wordy, or even say something like “Look at all of this stuff. You must be a jack-of-all trades and master of none”. … Continue reading

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Aah the pain of being an egotist

I guess people read the title of my blog and think it says this^ instead. Ha. It is always fun to explain stuff like this during a job interview. Allow me a moment to differentiate for you. Imagine for a … Continue reading

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Pushing the tech envelope, and then-some

Early in my career, I wielded a lot of bleeding edge technologies. They were nothing short of exciting (ehem). Delivering “the latest technology” was often pretty difficult. My bosses and customers liked my never-say-die attitude and they loved it when … Continue reading

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Trust me

I was thinking about a discussion that I had with a colleague a few months ago.  Our conversation went something like this: (Him) You need to abandon that trustworthy technology and replace it with this new technology that I recently … Continue reading

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Smart vs Talented

Some people think I’m smart. They might even say something nice, like “I wish I was that smart”. Flattery feels nice, and I know they mean well, so I just respond with a cordial “thank you”. Deep inside, I know … Continue reading

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Raising over-performers

Years ago, I was in a company that wrote software for other companies. We had a great reputation and our sales reps were doing a great job at bringing us more work to do. It didn’t take long for my … Continue reading

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Why you don’t need college, and why you do

Back 100 years ago, books were super-expensive. Think about the availability of paper, printing, and means to distribute books. Plus think about supply/demand. How many people needed a history book or calculus book. 100 years ago, people were mostly concerned … Continue reading

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Knowing something you don’t

Now that I’m all grown up, I can actually laugh when someone says (in a condescending manner) that they know something that you don’t. Sometimes they may even say it with a tone of disbelief: “You don’t know that!!? I … Continue reading

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