Category Archives: .net

Error 1001. Exception occurred while initalizing the installation

At work, we are using a Visual Studio add-in for .vdproj projects.  It is used for building .msi files.  I upgraded the project from .net 3.5 to .net 4.5.2.  I also updated some other information in the installer project. When I … Continue reading

Posted in .net, Errors | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Why Catch(exception) is usually a bad idea

I always like reading what other developers are suggesting as “best practices”.  Occasionally, I come across one that seems to defy logic, such as “don’t allow comments in your code”.  Initially the statement seems bonkers, but then you read-up on … Continue reading

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Citrix (RDP) with Server 2008 R2: problem with Serial on COM3/COM4

I was given a credit card reader/device and was asked to determine if I could modify a custom-made PoS (point of sale) app, to interact with the CC reader.  It sounded like an easy task.  I was also told that … Continue reading

Posted in .net, Errors, Lessons Learned, Programming | 2 Comments

If() – is the most evil thing I saw today

In programming, there are a few things that just don’t seem to work the way you think they should. They look nice and seem like they would make your programming tasks simpler and easier to read. The .net function If() … Continue reading

Posted in .net, Errors, Lessons Learned, Programming | 2 Comments

ThreadAbortException. I’m just fine, but thank you for asking.

I found a fun one today. I was working on an page that was having some funny behavior. When you clicked the Search button, instead of being redirected to a search results page, it was going to an error … Continue reading

Posted in .net, CodeProject, Errors, Programming | Leave a comment

Running a RDLC (SQL Report) in ASP.NET without SSRS

Running a RDLC (SQL Report) in ASP.NET without SSRS I just posted a new article on, fresh with lots of free code included. SSRS and BIDS are nice for making reports, but they don’t embed into your ASP.NET project … Continue reading

Posted in .net, ASP.NET, Database, Programming, Reporting | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Dynamics AX – Object ‘CLRObject’ could not be created – will it ever end?!!!

Argh! This has been the week of AX CLR errors, for me. My frustration level is (in one word), high.  This is my third post on this topic.  I’ve heard, learning can be a painful process.  Well, I am learning … Continue reading

Posted in .net, Dynamics AX, Errors | Leave a comment

Dynamics AX – Object ‘CLRObject’ could not be created (Again?!)

Okay, this one jumped up and bit me on the kiester again.  (and it is really starting to IRRITATE ME!)  I was getting frustrated till my colleague, Corey Lasley, gave me a few ideas. Pre: I had other CLR objects working … Continue reading

Posted in .net, Dynamics AX, Errors | Leave a comment

AX – Object ‘CLRObject’ could not be created

This error had me a little worried for a few days. “Object ‘CLRObject’ could not be created” and “Request for the permission of type ‘InteropPermission’ failed.” I was trying to create a .NET class (to do some irrelevant stuff) and … Continue reading

Posted in .net, Dynamics AX, Errors | 5 Comments

Geocoding sweetness

Okay, normally I’m not such a big fan of geocoding, or spherical coordinate systems in general.  However, the business intelligence team that I am on keeps getting requests for cost and profit-per-mile statistics. I found a really cool chunk of … Continue reading

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