Do you want it right, or do you want it right-now?

Superior: I wanted this yesterday, and it isn’t done yet. So, when will it be done?
Me: You can have it “right” or you can have it “right now”. I can give you either one.

Maybe it sounds like I’m being rude, but that is not my intention. I appreciate the need for timelines and I respect the fact that businesses need schedules and efficiency but let’s face it, some things are just complicated, and getting it “right” will take time. I wish I could tell you exactly how much time, but sometimes, I cannot. I could take a reasonable guess at how-much time, but I probably already did that and I was wrong.

Inside, I know that you don’t want a guess. You want a promise, but sometimes I don’t actually know “how long it will take”.  I cannot give you something that I don’t have, (ie. an accurate answer). I think we both already know this. I wish that was not the case, but sometimes it is.  If you really need it “right”, then I need time to concentrate. It is the only way that I can give you what you want.

Not so fast

Wait a sec. Let’s take a step back and reconsider, for a moment.  “Right now” could actually happen immediately.  …We just need to consider what that would actually mean.

Seriously consider this alternative: could you accept something in the middle? For example, what if we did go with it right now? What is going to happen? Can we live with some partial imperfection, until we finally get it right? Sometimes the answer is “NO” (especially if it aggravates lawyers or accountants). I get that. Maybe it won’t meet everyone’s expectations, but maybe expectations could be relaxed for a few days (or thereabouts). It isn’t my favorite option, but it might be our only option if we really need it right-now.

I’m sure this is all pretty obvious, but when folks are stressed-out, sometimes it is difficult to step-back from a problem and consider alternatives. So, while you are letting me concentrate, why not take a moment and give this some consideration. What if?  Maybe?   …or not.

We will get there.  It just might take a little longer.

*** Oops, I almost forgot my disclaimer: This is not about my current boss, or something that has recently happened at work. This is something that happens at any work, at any time.  No worries. Carry-on ***

About Tim Golisch

I'm a geek. I do geeky things.
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